PondFirst Regular - Liquid
Add 1 capful (5mL) for each 50 gallons of new water.
Add PondFirst Regular when setting up new ponds, when replacing water due to evaporation, and when water changing.
PondFirst Concentrate - Liquid
Add 1 capful (5mL) for each 50 gallons of new water.
Add PondFirst Concentrate when setting up new ponds, when replacing water due to evaporation, and when water changing.
PondFirst Concentrate - Powder
Add 1/4 Teaspoon (1.25 grams) for each 300 gallons of new water.
Add PondFirst Concentrate when setting up new ponds, when replacing water due to evaporation, and when water changing.
*For best results mix powder in a bucket of water. Pour into high flow areas of pond.
TankFirst Regular - Liquid
*Measurement using drip cap
Add 8 Drops (1/5tsp.) for each 1 gallons of new water.
TankFirst helps in unusual situations such as overcrowding or overfeeding by binding with ammonia and nitrite making them non-toxic to aquatic life for up to 24 hours, until the aquarium's biological filter catches up and/or a partial water change is completed.
TankFirst Regular - Liquid
*Measurement using bottle cap
Add 1 Capful (5mL) for each 10 gallons of new water.
*Instructions to treat high levels of Ammonia
Be sure to reduce feeding until ammonia and nitrite is no longer present and any dead livestock are removed. If high levels of ammonia and nitrite are not the result of the initial nitrogen cycle, it is best to reduce the levels through a partial water change and use TankFirst as directed.
1. Test ammonia with an ammonia salicylate reagent test kit rather than Nessler's reagent to get an accurate reading of amount of ammonia present in water.
2. Add 5 ml (1 capful) per 10 gallons of water to treat entire system for each 1 ppm of ammonia or nitrite measured on test kit. Keep pumps and filters running.
3. Wait 10 minutes; re-test ammonia concentration in aquarium water and repeat treatment if needed.
4. TankFirst can be safely re-dosed every 24 hours.
TankFirst Concentrate - Liquid
Add 1 Capful (5mL) for each 50 gallons of new water.
Use our TankFirst fish tank water conditioner when adding water lost by evaporation, during water changes, as well as when ammonia and/or nitrite levels are measurable.
KloudAway - Liquid
Add 1 capful (5mL) for each 10 gallons of new water.
KloudAway works by clumping particles together making them large enough to be trapped by a mechanical filter pad. *Do NOT treat with aquarium lights off.
A second dose may be added after 24 hours. Wait 5 days before additional doses. Partial water changes are recommended.
Activated Carbon
Premium Activated Carbon
Use roughly one 1/8 cup per 10 gallons of water.
Use with our FINE MESH BAGS to contain carbon. Place mesh bag in a high water flow area to remove odors and discoloration.
Biological Media Balls
Biological Bio-Balls 1.5"
Use roughly 30 to 50 balls per each 100 gallons
Place Bio-Balls as the last stage of your filtration set-up. Place in a high water flow area. Use our POND MESH BAGS to contain Bio-Balls. *Rinse using only aquarium or pond water - Tap water will kill the good bacteria on them.
BioLodge - Biological Rocks
Add 50-150 mL per 10 gallons to aquarium filtration system.
Add TankFirst when setting up new aquariums, when replacing water due to evaporation, and when water changing.
Saftey Data Sheets
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